Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Presidential Debate:

Policies: Mitt Romney-Voucher Plan
-Federal regulation in the economy

Barack Obama- Medicaid

Quotes: Mitt Romney-" I like PBC, I like Big Bird, and I like you (mediator) too!" This quote is amusing and it shows Romney as attempting to be like-able.

Barack Obama- "And by the way i like that name, Obamacare." Shows Obama's cocky side and also gives an amusing flavor to his debate.

Style: Mitt Romney- Strongly attacks Obama, directly criticizing and scolding him.

Obama- Smily and chill, acting polite and friendly to his opponent. Gives off a very relaxed and calm tone.

Wild Card: Moderator doesn't seem to be in too much control of the debate, gets cut off a lot by the candidates and isn't forceful enough on controlling issue topics.

Both candidates usually answer questions by attacking the actions of their opponent

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