Monday, September 24, 2012

My fellow classmates, i am standing before you as an advocate of reform. An advocate of full equal rights. And an advocate of the green party. The green party believes that the U.S is not fully allocating the freedoms it promised with the creation of it's declaration of independence. For example, the U.S is the only developed nation that has not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which was proposed in 1979 and has been ratified by 173 countries. The green party will take action on signing this passage in order to protect women's rights and prevent exclusion from customs based on sex and repeal all discriminatory laws in our domestic legislation. On the terms of equal rights the green party also strives for the right of individuals to choose their own intimate partner, regardless of sex or gender orientation. For education, the green party will work towards increasing financial aid for students entering colleges, and support equal access to high quality education. We will make sure that education is put at the top of our social and economic agenda. The green party believes in the legalization of marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana would widely spread its use as treatments for conditions such as cancer, where it has proved to be affective in the curing or reducing of such conditions. The legalization of marijuana would also bring a whole new market to the American economy, potentially bringing in an income of 1.75 billion dollars annually. In order to help progress the unemployment problem our great country is faced with today, the green party will enact a universal basic income, ensuring all citizens an income sufficient enough to provide for food and shelter, regardless of health, employment or marital status. State governments will supplement this amount from local revenues where living cost is high. The last issue my party is presenting to you today is one of our most important topics, the environment. In order to protect the environment and our gradually dying world, the green party makes plans to switch to more organic practices in farming, along with vastly cutting down on our country's energy use. While these goals will take a long time and a lot of effort to put to effect, the green party will work hard to make sure the practices are widely enforced. These practices consist of building a low cost public transportation system and re-localizing the production of food along with creating new farming methods to cut back on the amount of green house gases released from pesticides, fertilizer and the transportation used in the processes. As shown in this chart, the U.S contains the worlds largest ecological footprint, meaning that our country consumes the largest land per person. This needs to change, and the green party believes that they are the solution to this devastating problem. Get our green party on the 2012 presidential campaign, and help advance the image of our prospering country.

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