Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1. What is your stance on gay marriage?

2. Do you feel that the legalization of marijuana can bring in a prospering market to the U.S economy?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I think i'd do well in the online guru position because i spend a fair amount of time on the internet and can easily gain access to online sites to create accounts and post ads. I'd also like to be a campaign manager. I would do well in the position of campaign manager because i'm good at setting goals and could come with helpful strategic plans and keep the candidate aware on the main issues of the campaign.

Monday, September 24, 2012

My fellow classmates, i am standing before you as an advocate of reform. An advocate of full equal rights. And an advocate of the green party. The green party believes that the U.S is not fully allocating the freedoms it promised with the creation of it's declaration of independence. For example, the U.S is the only developed nation that has not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which was proposed in 1979 and has been ratified by 173 countries. The green party will take action on signing this passage in order to protect women's rights and prevent exclusion from customs based on sex and repeal all discriminatory laws in our domestic legislation. On the terms of equal rights the green party also strives for the right of individuals to choose their own intimate partner, regardless of sex or gender orientation. For education, the green party will work towards increasing financial aid for students entering colleges, and support equal access to high quality education. We will make sure that education is put at the top of our social and economic agenda. The green party believes in the legalization of marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana would widely spread its use as treatments for conditions such as cancer, where it has proved to be affective in the curing or reducing of such conditions. The legalization of marijuana would also bring a whole new market to the American economy, potentially bringing in an income of 1.75 billion dollars annually. In order to help progress the unemployment problem our great country is faced with today, the green party will enact a universal basic income, ensuring all citizens an income sufficient enough to provide for food and shelter, regardless of health, employment or marital status. State governments will supplement this amount from local revenues where living cost is high. The last issue my party is presenting to you today is one of our most important topics, the environment. In order to protect the environment and our gradually dying world, the green party makes plans to switch to more organic practices in farming, along with vastly cutting down on our country's energy use. While these goals will take a long time and a lot of effort to put to effect, the green party will work hard to make sure the practices are widely enforced. These practices consist of building a low cost public transportation system and re-localizing the production of food along with creating new farming methods to cut back on the amount of green house gases released from pesticides, fertilizer and the transportation used in the processes. As shown in this chart, the U.S contains the worlds largest ecological footprint, meaning that our country consumes the largest land per person. This needs to change, and the green party believes that they are the solution to this devastating problem. Get our green party on the 2012 presidential campaign, and help advance the image of our prospering country.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

One of the main differences between the democratic and republican party platforms is the step process taken to create more jobs. While democrats believe that  acts such as Obama's Recovery Act are needed to keep jobs in the market and cut taxes for the working class public, Republicans are more focused on partnerships between private and government factions need to invest in the nations infrastructure. Another key focus for the Democrats is putting veterans to work by "challenging Community Health Centers to hire veterans". They also "cut taxes on American workers and businesses", while the Republicans wish to simplify the tax system. While Democrats seem more concerned with the individual, Republicans are more centered on increasing federal spending and being more "aggressive in promoting U.S products abroad and securing open markets for them." This is what differentiates the Democrats with the Republicans in terms of the economy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My coordinates are 90 on personal issues and 30 on economic issues. (90, 30)

I would find it helpful to know a little more on some of the issues the questions present, such as the end corporate welfare one. It's my fault, but im not too enlightened on corporate welfare or government handouts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A. 1) The first principle outlined in McCulloch vs. Maryland is the supremacy of the national government over the states, which states that as long as the national government follows its constitutional rights, it will always have power over the states. Article 1 is important to answer this.

2) The second principle outlined in McCulloch vs. Maryland is that the national government has implied powers beyond its enumerated powers meaning that it has powers that go beyond the ones listed in the constitution that are necessary to carry out the execution of the foregoing powers and fulfill its responsibilities. Article 1 section 8 is important to answer this

B. 1) The full faith and credit clause says that public acts, records and judicial proceedings are acknowledge in every state and upheld, no matter where they which state they were settled in. One exception to this is gay marriage. If a gay civil union is formed in one state, it can be disregarded by other states.

2) The privileges and immunities clause states that all privileges and rights of a citizen are the same in every state. One exception for this clause is the tuition to attend a public university. If a citizen attends a public university in the state which he lives in, he will pay less then citizens coming from out of the state to attend the school.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A. 1) A federal government decentralizes the administration of governmental services along with gives the states more power than in unitary governments. They also allow for more diversity and are usually democracies.

2) I would rather live in a unitary government because the U.S has already failed as a confederation. While a unitary government doesn't allow for as much freedom for the states as a confederation or federalism, a confederation allows for too much freedom of the states and would create much more inner conflicts. There would be no solid form of central government to keep the states together and in union, possibly creating multiple civil wars and eventually anarchy.

B. 1) A power enumerated solely to the national government is the power to declare war. This is better to be given solely to the national government because separate states can't go around declaring war. If they did this, then they'd also have to be given the power to raise an army, and each state owning it's own army would lead to greater domestic conflicts as well as foreign conflicts. The U.S would be involved in much more conflicts and each state would have to rally other states into the wars they'd be involved with to expand the size of their small army, spreading the battle.

2) One power reserved solely to the states is to conduct elections. This is better to be reserved for the states because a national government does not have the time to set up a government in each state and city. The national government has to focus on bigger worldwide issues and leave the states to the smaller problems within their own borders.

3) Both the state and national government have the power to tax. This works out because both need forms of collecting money to fund public projects and help improve society on both a national and local level. The national government needs taxes to fund projects nationwide such as highways while the states need taxes to fund public schools and other works.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

a. An amendment can formally be proposed by congress to the constitution by a 2/3 vote in both the house of representatives and the senate.
An amendment can formally be ratified by state legislatures by a 3/4 vote of the states.

b. One informal way of changing the constitution is Judicial Review, where the supreme court can claim acts of the other branches of government unconstitutional. It can also declare certain laws applicable even if they are not specifically stated in the constitution. An example of this is the court case Marbury v. Madison. Another informal way the constitution has changed is through technology. An example of technology shaping the constitution is it gives the president an increase in power in the role of commander in chief with the creation of atomic weapons and new electronic communications.

c. Informal methods are used more often because their easier and much faster than formal amendment processes. It takes a significant amount of time to have a constitution voted on and ratified and usually the government doesn't have the time to go through this long procedure.