Monday, December 10, 2012

a) An advantage that the majority party in the House of Representatives has is that they decide which bills will get voted on and when they will get voted on.

b) A difference between the House and Senate is the filibuster. In the House a majority vote passes legislation, but in the Senate, a filibuster can block a vote, which is when an individual extends a debate in order to delay or prevent a vote on a proposal.

c) If a bill gets passed in the House, then it could go to the Senate and be blocked by a filibuster. The House could pass the bill, moving it to the Senate to get voted on, where it is then not completely agreed upon and prevented from possibly ever being voted on by one person who extends the debate for a period of time.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1) The ADA increased the power of federal government because it allows the federal gov. to practice its power nationally on an issue that can intersect with state laws. For example, it protects people with disabilities from discrimination, meaning that marriage can not be prevented from handicapped people, something that is classified as a state law.

Preemption gives the federal government authority over the states by invalidating state laws when they conflict with federal laws.

2) The U.S vs Lopez case decreased federal power by ruling against the federal government, and further limiting certain powers of theirs.

Devolution takes power from the federal government, and gives it to the local governments, therefore narrowing the powers of the national government and increasing those of the state governments.